Friday, October 24, 2008


Thanks, Shannon!

What is your husband's full name: Brandon Alan

How long have you been married? Almost 4 years...CRAZY!

How long did you date? Um...About 6-8 weeks. Absolutely ridiculous, I know. However, we were engaged for 6 months.

How old is he? 25

Who eats more sweets? I do, for sure. Brandon can take treats or leave them, but I love them.

Who said "I love you" first? Brandon; shortly after we met, obviously. He was absolutely smitten ;), and I was thrilled.

Who is taller? Brandon is about seven inches taller than me.

Who can sing best? Brandon is not exactly musically gifted. I would dare say that I am a better singer.

Who is smarter? Brandon is very rational and intelligent. He really has an extensive knowledge of real estate, lending, and other areas of his field. He has a great understanding of "guy stuff;" sports, building things, yard work, etc. However, I would have to say that I am also an intelligent person...after all, I did "help" Brandon make it through his English courses at WSU. We certainly compliment one another well.

Who does the laundry? Laundry is a shared chore at our house. Lately, I have been responsible for the majority of our wash, but Brandon is always willing to help out. I'm lucky to have a husband who is so willing to help around the house.

Who pays the bills? Brandon is very financially responsible. He is currently handling all of our bills, but I have done them in the past.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Brandon sleeps on the right side near the door, which allows him to be in the prime position to protect me when some scary guy breaks in :).

Who mows the lawn? Brandon, always. I have never mowed the lawn in my life.

Who cooks dinner? We both do. Dinner is usually a joint effort. Brandon does handle all of the grilling at our house.

Who drives? It doesn't matter if we are riding in my car or in his car, Brandon ALWAYS drives. He is afraid to ride with me. He thinks that I am a terrible driver, but I assure you that I am very safe and cautious.

Who kissed who first? Brandon kissed me at a party just a few days after he returned from his mission, and it must have been amazing because we've been together ever since :)!

Who asked who out first? Brandon asked me out first. Our first date was very fun. We fell head over heels for one another.

Who wears the pants? We definitely both wear the pants. He really is so patient with me.

I love you, Brandon!

I tag: Shelby, Aloha, and Erin

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

My 6 Quirks

I've been tagged to identify six of my quirks. I know I do a lot of unusual things, but it's crazy how they just become part of your everyday life. Here are six I could think of:

1. Whenever I have a drink, whether it is water at my house or pop from a store, I must have LOTS of ice in my glass. I can't stand it when a beverage is not freezing cold.

2. I HATE camping. I do not like sleeping outside, not washing my hair, or not having access to running water. It's a cabin or hotel for me.

3. I always make Brandon go check to make sure all of the doors are locked before I fall asleep. Sometimes I even wake him up if he's fallen asleep before me. I'm totally paranoid.

4. I worry too much about things that I cannot control. I'm a total worrier. I swear that I am an panic attack waiting to happen.

5. I am a planner. I like to have everything all mapped out. I like to know what is going to happen, when it will happen, and how I will be involved.

6. I always have the ingredients for Chocolate Chip Cookies on hand. I really enjoy baking, and I like to be able to whip up a batch if we have people over or if I need to take a treat to someone.

Know you know a few really weird things about me. Fabulous! I tag Shannon, Jyl, and Brooke.

Sunday, October 5, 2008


We spent Conference Weekend in St. George with my family. It was Eric's Homecoming game and dance. It is ALWAYS good to see my family and ALWAYS nice to be in St. George. I love it! I am lucky that Brandon is willing to make the long drive so frequently.

Eric at the Homecoming Game! It was fun to visit SCHS. I have such great memories of my time there. Homecoming was always my favorite!

Eric's Homecoming Group. They enjoyed dinner at my parent's house. Everything was BEAUTIFUL! Eric and his cute date are on the left end.

My dad took Mom and me on a JEEPING adventure. It was very fun, and we enjoyed some great scenery!

PLUS - Conference was AMAZING! I can't wait to read and study all of the talks!