Friday, October 24, 2008


Thanks, Shannon!

What is your husband's full name: Brandon Alan

How long have you been married? Almost 4 years...CRAZY!

How long did you date? Um...About 6-8 weeks. Absolutely ridiculous, I know. However, we were engaged for 6 months.

How old is he? 25

Who eats more sweets? I do, for sure. Brandon can take treats or leave them, but I love them.

Who said "I love you" first? Brandon; shortly after we met, obviously. He was absolutely smitten ;), and I was thrilled.

Who is taller? Brandon is about seven inches taller than me.

Who can sing best? Brandon is not exactly musically gifted. I would dare say that I am a better singer.

Who is smarter? Brandon is very rational and intelligent. He really has an extensive knowledge of real estate, lending, and other areas of his field. He has a great understanding of "guy stuff;" sports, building things, yard work, etc. However, I would have to say that I am also an intelligent person...after all, I did "help" Brandon make it through his English courses at WSU. We certainly compliment one another well.

Who does the laundry? Laundry is a shared chore at our house. Lately, I have been responsible for the majority of our wash, but Brandon is always willing to help out. I'm lucky to have a husband who is so willing to help around the house.

Who pays the bills? Brandon is very financially responsible. He is currently handling all of our bills, but I have done them in the past.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Brandon sleeps on the right side near the door, which allows him to be in the prime position to protect me when some scary guy breaks in :).

Who mows the lawn? Brandon, always. I have never mowed the lawn in my life.

Who cooks dinner? We both do. Dinner is usually a joint effort. Brandon does handle all of the grilling at our house.

Who drives? It doesn't matter if we are riding in my car or in his car, Brandon ALWAYS drives. He is afraid to ride with me. He thinks that I am a terrible driver, but I assure you that I am very safe and cautious.

Who kissed who first? Brandon kissed me at a party just a few days after he returned from his mission, and it must have been amazing because we've been together ever since :)!

Who asked who out first? Brandon asked me out first. Our first date was very fun. We fell head over heels for one another.

Who wears the pants? We definitely both wear the pants. He really is so patient with me.

I love you, Brandon!

I tag: Shelby, Aloha, and Erin


Mickell said...

Cute Emily! Brandon and you sound like such a Cute couple! I love to hear how couples still are crazy about each other!!! besides isn't that how it is suppose to be:)

Ned and Melanie said...

I love the man-tag! That is really fun. It's fun to be able to say nice things about husbands. Awesome!

Steph and Brady said...

Fun post! You two are such a cute couple. First, you are definitely better at singing no qustion (and I have only heard you on the internet). Second, I was laughing when I read how long you two dated! I had no clue! I guess you still had some time to get to know each other while you were engaged!

Shannon Williams Olsen said...

Oh how cute! Some of your comments made me laugh :)

mathistown said...

Hey Emily! This is Alli (Rowe) Mathis your mom told my mom about your blog--it's super cute! You should check ours out too;